BluEnt’s Expert Team Unveils The ‘Absolute Right Way’ to Build an MVP

New Delhi, India, December 18th, 2017: MVP became a popular and widespread concept in the early 2000 with Eric Ries’ Lean Startup movement. According to an article online, “Ries identified MVP as a phase of the product discovery process: ‘the version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.'”

MVP became one of the phases, which was openly embraced by most app developers and turned out to be stepping-stone to the app’s success. It helped the developers and owners to test the waters for the new product in most real form. It enabled them to launch the product faster than they would have without MVP.

However, for it to be a stepping-stone to the product’s success, it needs to be tested properly. According to BluEnt, this is where the developers go wrong. It’s like they take a feedback on the packaging and users don’t even know what’s inside it. BluEnt’s expert team has defined the ‘correct’ way to build MVP, which can help in gaining the much-needed clarity on the product. There are only 2 rules to remember when building a MVP.

Rule no 1#

An idea is only an idea unless it turns into action. There are many assumptions made by developers when building the product (from the riskiest ones to not too risky ones)– those assumptions are indeed just assumptions. Allow the market to act on it. It needs to be tested to see if this is what users are really looking for. The MVP will give a clear picture of whether someone (and who that someone is) is really interested in the product.

Rule no 2#

MVP is not a step in the product development journey; it is in-fact a trial and error process, a journey in itself, that can be carried out to completely understand what your assumptions need. Do you need to refine them or do away with them? It is the process that will get you to building the ultimate winning product.

Sajeel Khanna, SVP at BluEnt concludes, “The developers need to always keep this in mind. The customers define your MVP; it’s the market that identifies the bars for the MVP. They answer the most crucial questions from what they expect from the product to would they pay for your product. So, when you make your MVP ensure that you don’t just give the customers a landing page, give them a complete website. Let them taste it

Ava Smith
Strategic Sourcing & Business Development Manager
BluEnt | +1 647 478 5230

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