Supply Chain Management
Integrate extended supply chains.
Organizations deal with extended supply chains, consisting of several distributors, suppliers, and other associates.
Supply chain management involves adapting to rapid changes at a national or global level. These can include adopting complex business models, shortening product lifecycles, quick marketing, coping with emerging competition, and demand-driven supply networks.
BluEnt’s supply chain applications help organizations bridge the gap between opportunity and real-world advantages.
We understand that, to create substantial business advantages through our solutions, you need to overcome the network and enterprise complexities of today’s global supply chain environments.
Considering your unique business model and their respective challenges, we have created solutions to help manage complex processes and improve business productivity, competitiveness, and expansion.
Backed by domain expertise and experience regarding the challenges you face, BluEnt’s SCM solutions offer you:
Increased profitability through reduced supply chain operational costs
Enhanced competitiveness through improved customer service and satisfaction
Improved revenues and expanded market share through effective management of growth and expansion
Ability to emerge as supply chain pioneers

Translate Supply Chain Management into an experience.
View our projects
InfoCentral is StatLink's state-of-the-art management software platform. InfoCentral allows for real-time remote communication,
Learn moreGearbox Software is an award-winning developer of interactive entertainment based in Dallas, Texas.
Learn moreHorses for Sources (HfS) Research is a leading independent global analyst authority and knowledge community
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Community Musician is a mobile app for musicians to connect online and interact with musicians in local communities.
Learn moreEve & Max is a fashion brand that follows a quality-over-quantity approach to design.
Learn moreCounterpart Communication Design is an award-winning marketing communications and web management firm located at Memphis
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Value Achieved

BluEnt takes care of the whole project for you, including architecting your app strategy, application prototyping, app designing, app development, testing, and app launch. We diligently follow the right processes to give you the ultimate product.
Contact us now to get started!