BluEnt highlights the top custom application development trends dominating 2017

Houston; Texas, 31st July 2017: With app economy continuing to escalate, technological paradigms are shifting every year; with something new hitting the base. An article recently reported, “Our latest mobility report revealed that there will be 6.1 billion smartphone users globally by 2020 and as for 2017, Gartner’s prediction is that by the end of the year mobile apps will be downloaded more than 268 billion times, generating revenue of more than $77 billion, making apps one of the most popular computing tools for users across the globe.”

Users can already see new markets being created and the older technologies being phased out. Apps are becoming faster, smarter and more intuitive. For 2017, the tech gurus predict interesting trends.

BluEnt, in keeping up with the industry has already incorporated four of the hottest trends to develop better custom applications in 2017.

App streaming:

Google and Apple have started introducing app streaming besides other companies such as 1APP. Smartphone users can dodge Google and Apple app stores with app streaming. As such app streaming is perceived to be fruitful because apps can easily be discovered by the consumers and help in generating higher revenues.

For the first half of 2017, Android has been a better adapter in streaming applications. This is evident with Android instant apps being displayed under search. According to a Bloomberg report, “While there are only 100 apps available right now for preview on Google Play, that number is forecast to rise to 100,000 by 2020.”

At BluEnt, we aim to provide high quality applications which have precision to help discover your app and build your brand presence.

Enterprise Applications:

Per an article, “An Adobe study says 77% business owners found enterprise apps advantageous and 66% are increasing their investment further. Also, 430 billion enterprise app market is expected by 2021.”

2017 has many enterprises who will be managing their business operations and create greater employment engagement on the go. While some will build their own custom apps, others will be more dependent on the 3rd party apps for similar benefits.

As per Gartner predictions, “By 2020, 70% of software interactions will take place via mobile apps in enterprises. Also, by end of 2017 the demand for mobile apps will outpace app development capability by five to one.”

One of our areas of core strength, Enterprise Application development is our forte and we are proud of a strong portfolio of same.

IOT: Internet of things:

Every business today is focused on creating a new product with an app. Even the existing applications are extrapolating their portfolio for engaging with applications. Per an article, “Around 80 Internet of Things (IoT) – related acquisitions were made across the globe in 2015. By 2020 the number of connected and separate devices will take a toll of 28 billion marks. The profits and revenues from IoT industry are already rolling high.”

Since 2016, almost everything from home appliances to toys have become smart and integrated into mobile ecosystems. This list is increasing annually. Mobile applications are able to interact with every major appliance – from TVs to parking meters. IoT is certainly on a roll and is only expected to expand its penetration into more items of daily use.

Our developers are already working on connected IoT solutions. Let us know how we can help you address your business’ unique requirements.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality:

The success story of ‘Pokemon go’ has made the mobile industry realize the capacity of cross-screen reality interaction. We at BluEnt, definitely see this as a brilliant space to grow into. Though it all started in the games sector, we see it expanding – embracing newer levels this year, especially the retail industry. As per Gartner predictions, “By 2020, 100 million consumers will shop in augmented reality”

With these trends taking the mobile industry by a storm, this year, we can definitely expect the mobile app developers to work smarter and make the apps more deeply connected to users’ lives.

Ava Smith
Strategic Sourcing & Business Development Manager
BluEnt | +1 647 478 5230

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