Refurbishing Advertising: Hot New Trends In Digital Advertising To Adopt In 2017

  • BluEnt
  • Digital Advertising
  • 17 Jan 2017
  • 5 minutes
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Advertising is the very soul of every business. If done correctly, advertising has the power to completely overturn your business overnight.

The road to success sure is long, but with good advertising, you can skip walking those extra miles and hop on a bus.

Advertising allows you to enlighten people as to what makes your products and services fantastic and why they need to invest in your business. With the ad industry projected to reach an estimate of 111.14 billion dollars, it should be more than enough reasons for you to benefit from this statistic.

The entire globe is gravitating towards the marvels of the Internet, there are just so many ways to project your brand in the lime-light. It is only obvious and smart to look into trendier, internet based methods of advertising to make the most out of your investments in ads. That, can only be done through Digital Advertising.

Digital Advertising is a bold and vibrant way to connect with the all kinds of customers; from consumers to businessmen. Brands like (brand names who use digital ads) have amassed huge fan followings just by being digital. And if you thought digital advertising works for brands-only, you are wrong. Apps like Mercari to Games like Mini Me have benefit themselves by making the switch.

With that being said, let’s dive into the hot-trends coming up in Digital Advertising for 2017:

  • Live is the new Vibe:

    People on a daily basis go through an ocean on posts and links and videos on various social media channels. This means that you want your content to stand out in a way that intrigues people to watch and share your content. But why go live? Here’s why:

    • People now crave for more in-the-moment activities. This is one of the reasons as to why SnapChat is a successful business. Live videos allow you to show your users the way your business work, the way your offices look, the personalities of your staff etc.

    • Live videos do not make you look all serious by adding in a more human touch.

    • Live videos have more audiences. In 2016, when Facebook introduced live, people watched the videos 3x longer than videos that were not live.

    • Live videos allow your consumers to ask questions that can be instantly answered by you, which in-turn increases the respect they have for you in their eyes.

    • You can instantly see who is watching your live video. You can also see who all ended up watching your video, who left and who lingered. This will give you space to reach out to your customers and ask them questions about your videos.

    Live videos have been such a profitable concept that more and more social media channels, like Instagram and Twitter have adopted the idea. And it is working out very well for them. Live videos are a genius concept for everybody involved in a business and should be adopted by you.

  • Augmented Reality is the Best Reality:

    Pokemon Go is the best example of this concept. Augmented reality, might seem to be too complexed to be included as lay-man’s language, but check these reasons out as to why you need it:

    • Augmented reality is more interactive than any other form of visual media format.

    • By the end of 2018, AR is estimated to reach a value of 7.3 billion USD. (Phew)

    • 360 degree videos are much more browsed than normal videos.

    • AR is the language of the future. The real-time effect and the way people can feel as if “they are there to experience” intrigues them more about your products and services.

    Augmented reality was a massive success in 2016, leaving people hungry for more and more interactive products and services. In 2017, it all comes down to how unique and different your products and services are as well has how long they keep consumers interested. Augmented reality is not a concept that requires a ton of scientific masterminds, but just the right team.

  • The More the Merrier:

    Digital Advertising pulled in 60Billion dollars within the last year. And it does not seem that that number is going to decrease at all. In fact, with the way digital advertising is growing, it is bound to surpass TV advertising in the coming years. So how is digital advertising pulling in these big numbers? Find out more:

    • Digital advertising is versatile and goes beyond than traditional means of advertising focusing on channels like e-mail, seo’s, social media.

    • These channels are instant, in real-time and are to an extent more accessible than traditional means.

    • These channels are available on mobile platforms which makes it more accessible to anybody with a smartphone and internet access.

    • Digital channels have more reach and coverage than traditional channels, which ends up pulling in more crowds.

    • Digital channels are not fully discovered, which means that newer ways to reach out to people in more exciting, valuable and relevant to times ways.

  • Never forget your Roots:

    Native Advertising is back with a bang. The versatility of Native Advertising allows it to be applicable in to digital formats. Bringing old to the new is a smart way to boost sales as it already has data which shows what has worked for people and what has not. Having trouble to understand what Native Advertising is all about, reach out to an experienced digital advertiser at BluEnt. To understand how it works, read on:

    • Product placement, one of the cores of native advertising has always managed to lead, if not sale, but curiosity as to what the product is all about.

    • Brand Awareness can be created by strategically placing sponsored content from the owner on websites/mobile platform pages.

    • Native advertising can also be done using video platforms. Check out this video made for Microsoft by the Onion Labs for more ideas of how you can use video to your advantage in the era of the video.

    Native Advertising methods should be visually appealing and must be informative. The links leading the consumer to the landing page should have to be relevant and should exceed their expectations out of what your advertisement was about.

  • Become the Messenger:

    Instant Messaging has a reach and control over people more than any other platform. As the name suggests, it is instant, it is quick, it is easy, all the three things people look for in communication channels now. Basing your business on IM will save you a lot of trouble. This also reassures people that you are there for them round the clock.

    • Instant Messaging has 98% opening rate, as compared to 22% email opening rates. Also, it is fairly easy to figure out if a consumer opened your message on channels like messenger as opposed to e-mails.

    • IM caters to more brand-loyal customers. Emails can be neglected since Inboxes have more storage capacity than a mobile phone’s SMS boxes. This is what compels consumers to read each and every message on their phones, unless they’re avoiding you.

    • It is the golden tool for marketers to use for it can continue a conversation with their clients over the phone.

    • Chatbots are also a form of Messaging. Working on Chatbots on your website will definitely help them to solve trivial issues for which they might not need a technical support officer.

    • Chatbots are also more human sounding than other platforms. Think of chatbots as FAQ’s but with a voice.

Digital Advertising fits perfectly for most age-groups, making it more cost-efficient and a smarter way to pull in the crowds.

With the power of the digital media being instant and global, having the world in your fist is not just a dream anymore. Going digital shows your clients that you are fast, you are smart and you are willing to constantly try new ways to impress your customers.

Contact BluEnt, today, to fully incorporate these points into your business and find out more secrets.

Maximum Value. Achieved.



Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Refurbishing Advertising: Hot New Trends In Digital Advertising To Adopt In 2017" CAD Evangelist, Jan. 17, 2017,

CAD Evangelist. (2017, January 17). Refurbishing Advertising: Hot New Trends In Digital Advertising To Adopt In 2017. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Refurbishing Advertising: Hot New Trends In Digital Advertising To Adopt In 2017" CAD Evangelist (accessed January 17, 2017 ).

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