The Intranet Roadmap: Redefining the Value of Business and Customers

Around the globe, technology has taken over the business world since 1980’s. You won’t see any business geek without a laptop and a transforming idea for a ‘new’ business. We have even seen innumerous start-ups emerging in the last few years – with some finally dissolving while a few taking the business industry by a storm.

The Evolution of Intranets: From Office Need to Ladders of Social Interaction

Wasn’t it a while ago that networking was actually a skill? Connecting as you know it, has transformed rapidly over the years.

Engaging Intranet

Strategies to Ensure You Launch a Successful And Engaging Intranet

A few years ago, Intranet was a platform designed for employees that had only one core function – to share information. In short, it was a ‘text-only’ platform, which was indeed a very restricted form of communication. Employees would share relevant data and it was to be experienced by everyone in the organization. The concept of Intranet itself has undergone a dramatic change. There are now layers of functionality and it is not considered to be as boring and intimidating as before.

Software Development Mistakes

7 Common Software Development Mistakes to Avoid

Do you want to know what mistakes to avoid while developing software products? Then follow the following tips.

Fitness App

5 Important Features That A Fitness App Should Not Overlook

Running low on stamina? Working hard has become a challenge? Here we are providing you with some quick tips

on selecting a fitness trainer app.

School Management App

How Can A School Management App Be Beneficial?

A school management software would control and regulate all the operations within a school, thus completely centralizing school activities. Let’s see what it’s all about.

Open Source Software

Is Open Source Really Open? How Free Is It In the Long Run?

Ever wondered about the reality beneath the open source and the free software it promises to deliver?

Let’s have a close look at the ‘free’ factor of the open source software.

The significance of automated attendance applications for the corporates: A comparative analysis of time spent in office versus desktop

The time and attendance software is a business application that has been intelligently designed with diverse tools to track and optimize the hours that the entire workforce spends on the job or more specifically on their desktop. This system helps in keeping an accurate record of salaries that should be paid to the employee vs. the pre-defined salary for every month.


Vital Do’s and Don’ts of MVP

Nothing can be as bad as spending a lot of money and hundreds of hours for developing a perfect app

only to find out that the app is not at all liked by the audience or there’s no market for it?

The Pros and Cons of Online Customer Service

Live chat application development is probably the best marketing tool that has been developed


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