Redefining Intranet: Top 3 Reasons Your Business Needs Intranet Today

  • BluEnt
  • Software + Product Development
  • 06 Feb 2018
  • 3 minutes
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Intranet is becoming a part of day-to-day work in organizations that have adopted it – bringing about a sense of effective collaboration and intelligence.

It is no longer seen as a platform only for communication but has so much more to offer to businesses around the globe. Intranet, over the years, has redefined its purpose – from being an information repository to supporting culture to even supplementing business activities. Having a connected workforce is what drives success and a higher level of efficiency – this means surpassing all the cultural changes and other shortcomings. In 2018, there has been a major shift in the way businesses work.

Businesses don’t have goals defined as per the management levels anymore but they believe and stress on having common goals. This also means, all players at all levels in the management team need to be working towards the goal. Hence, have access to all the information required to do so. This and for many more reasons is where Intranet can play a crucial role in an organization.

BluEnt has redefined 3 clear reasons for adopting the Intranet portal in 2018 – get ready to jump the bandwagon.

Learn about our Web portal Development Services .

More and more employees opt for ‘work from home’

We can blame it on the traffic or to the ‘much-needed’ changing work culture – today organizations have quite a few employees that work from home for various reasons. 2018 will see this movement growing and flourishing even deeper. Intranet portal can help in bridging this ‘physical distance’ by creating a virtual environment for those sitting on their ‘home’ workstations. It can help teammates in both corners of the world to interact effectively and not let these different work scenarios get in the way of business goals and performance. In fact, it can help in building a stronger workforce that can put in more ‘collective’ effort as they bond over this great ‘social’ portal.

Access to a wealth of knowledge

Businesses have redefined the potential goals and strategies that no longer is a target for only the upper management level. It is a common goal to be achieved by one and all working for the organization. To this effect, everyone needs to have the access to all the financial reports and other similar ‘critical’ information. So, having a portal that offers accurate, up-to-date, trusted and secure information can become an integral part of these redefined strategies. This information repository that contains great quality content and answers to a range of questions can ultimately help in decision-making, business planning and processes and performing tasks efficiently.

Management made easy

One portal for every kind of information you need – that’s Google! You search for something and it’s all there – under one roof in a more defined manner. This is what Intranet can be for businesses – a personalized Google with every kind of business/organization’s specific information. Looking through plethora of documents to find that single one can be exhausting. This is where businesses can lose out on opportunities as well. If the documents end up being misplaced or mis communicated, it can have disastrous results. Intranet is thus a platform, which gives an organized structure to all the information making it a lot easier to not only access but also find the relevant information as and when needed.

BluEnt’s app developers can develop a portal that can transform your business and your relationship with the employees. They can create a great strategy that can help your organization meet all the challenges and grow even more successful this year. Connect with us to discuss what our mobile app developers can do for your business.

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Redefining Intranet: Top 3 Reasons Your Business Needs Intranet Today" CAD Evangelist, Feb. 06, 2018,

CAD Evangelist. (2018, February 06). Redefining Intranet: Top 3 Reasons Your Business Needs Intranet Today. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Redefining Intranet: Top 3 Reasons Your Business Needs Intranet Today" CAD Evangelist (accessed February 06, 2018 ).

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