It's a competitive world and Growth-Driven design is a technique to gain edge over your competitors. This website improvement strategy ensures you are on top of everything all the time. You have a better customer response rate and your sales continue to grow.
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There are many ways to make your website worth the investment. But growth-driven design takes it to a totally different level. How do you know if you need growth-driven design?
Is your website compelling enough? Is it getting large numbers to relevant traffic? Is it bringing you quality leads ready for conversion? At some point or the other every business needs to take some time out to analyze their marketing and promotion strategies. Your website is pivotal in ensuring continued business growth. A website is an investment which should continue to issue returns.
To ensure your website is up-to-date it needs to be revamped regularly. To keep up with the changes and current trends, it is essential to redesign your website. A website redesign puts the marketing team in disarray for an average of 3 months. The focus shifts onto other matters pertaining to the website redesign. In the meanwhile sales and marketing take a backseat.
The planning which precedes the site redesign can be quite time consuming. Not to mention the adverse effect it could have on your search engine ranking. It is quite understandable why a website redesign is dreaded. Is there any way out? Can you ensure that your website is up to date without the whole ordeal of putting your site down for redesign? Growth-driven design maybe exactly what you've been hoping for.
What is Growth-Driven Design?
So what is growth-driven design? It is an adaptive version of a website redesign. It is a continuous ongoing process of redesign in small bits. It is initiated based on the user response and the feedback from website visitors. It is agile and doesn't cause any major upheavals in the website performance.
Growth driven design is a technique in which your website can be kept up-to-date with the required changes. In this technique the business does not suffer a setback in the marketing arena.
How Growth-Driven Design (GDD) works?
There comes a point in time when your traditional website reaches its optimal performance level. What next? You revamp the website and launch it again. When this new launch reaches its optimal it has to be revamped yet again. On the other hand, the growth-driven design website continues to perform. How do you make your website into a growth-driven design?
The GDD works in two stages which can be boldly classified as:
The strategizing and launch phase
Continuous improvement phase
The first stage covers the basic website development after creating a web marketing strategy. The website is launched in a basic state. The next stage involved fine tuning the website over a period of time.
GDD is based on a website analysis. What do visitors like to see? Which pages are attracting more traffic and which pages have a higher bounce rate. Each page, the content and design are analyzed at regular intervals. The report is then studied to define the changes required. The continuous goal is the give the users a good experience while optimizing the conversion rate.
Growth-driven design strategies
Every successful venture starts with a plan. Based on the required outcomes certain strategies are formulated. Website redesign strategies and growth-driven design strategies both aim at optimizing the website performance. The underlying factor for a successful website is the marketing strategy. The growth-driven design enables you to update your marketing strategy in accordance to the market conditions and consumer reactions. It allows you to test, learn and adapt without wasting much valuable time.
Growth-driven design strategies do not need to have an end goal in mind. The goals are short term to meet current needs. It could be something as uncomplicated as reaching a certain conversion rate by the end of the month. The intent is to keep pace with consumer needs and update new business changes.
Growth-driven design minimizes the risks that are often associated with traditional web design. When you follow a growth-driven design approach it covers your website from all angles. The content is kept up to date. The website design is improved upon at regular intervals, which also ensures better agility. You also end up with a highly responsive website catering to new screen sizes and devices as they enter the market.
Benefits of growth-driven design
The growth-driven design holds a huge number of benefits for various sectors of business.
Quick launch: Growth-driven design works for existing websites as well. It follows a 'learn as you go' technique. This means that a website can be up and running in a very short while unlike the traditional website design.
Cost effective: Getting a new website for your business can be an expensive affair. Growth driven design reduces this burden by eliminating the huge initial investment. The website cost is spreading out over time.
Up-to-date website: The constant changes to your website ensure that it is up-to-date at all times. You don't have to wait for a website redesign to bring it to par with the current times.
Marketing strategy: You can incorporate new marketing strategies whenever required. Growth driven design offers the opportunity to experiment with out-of-the-box marketing techniques.
Meet customer needs: Customer needs are constantly changing. A business website needs to keep pace with this change and growth driven deign makes it easy to do so.
The list of benefits of growth driven design varies based on the type of business and the customers you serve.
BluEnt is a website development company in USA. We encourage all businesses to adopt the growth-driven design. The growth driven design is highly recommended for new startup businesses. It will give you the much needed initial boost to get things off the ground. Entrepreneurs can also take their business to new levels with the growth driven design.
The benefits are huge and your website will continue to meet changing user requirements. We have a team of web analysts who can study your website and the customer response. We can provide you with technical advice which can help your business improve marketing strategies to invoke better user response rate. Give us a call and let's discuss how we can work together to propel your business growth.
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