What Makes More Sense to You? A Mobile App or A Responsive Design Website

  • BluEnt
  • Mobile + Web Apps
  • 19 Dec 2017
  • 3 minutes
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Almost all businesses have website creation as a ritual and why not, as it is one of the mandatory tool towards success

of communication.

With the increasing popularity and expansion of the mobile gadgets in all shapes and sizes, it is quite obvious to have a proper strategized plan for websites based on the mobile platform. If you haven’t given it a thought already, I suggest you look at your business mobile website presence.

Next big step, you need to decide whether to develop a responsive website design or a mobile application. Developers go through this predicament of the decision between a native mobile app or a responsive website based platform. One can’t decide which choice is better than the other since either could suit you depending on your business type. Each one has its own pros and cons, selecting a right mobile strategy relies on your company’s outlook. Few more attributes need to be addressed before taking your path in a focused direction and these attributes are such as the basic principles of the business, budget, time frame availability, approach towards design, performance, user experience and continuous maintenance.

Let’s dig more to understand the entire concept clearly.

Responsive design

Responsive Website Design (RWD):

A magical website design which allows your single design to serve at different screen sizes such as smartphones, tablets, laptops or iPads while at the same time, adjust its pixels and web design accordingly with a single URL and a unique type of content. Responsive website design famously became a trend when Google referred it as one of the prime factors for the good website ranking recently. This clearly became a rage among everyone who was aware of this fact and they clearly enjoyed amazing search engine ranking as compared to others.

Components which make responsive website design stand out are:

  • Flexibility in a text, font size, and images.

    • The layout design width based on CSS adjusts the text and images.

    • This offers the clean readable website content on all your devices.

  • A fluid grid to adjust the gaps and scalability of the web design.

  • Media queries adjust webpage as per the size of the viewport.

Pros and Cons of RWD

Pros Of RWD

  1. Better UX for a variety of mobile devices.

  2. Consistent in providing similar brand experience among various devices.

  3. Time-saving as it is faster than developing a mobile app.

  4. Cost effective.

Cons Of RWD

  1. Takes longer while to navigate and load a mobile website on a browser.

  2. It has limited phone features in comparison to a mobile app.

Mobile App

A mobile application, when developing a website, is also known as a mobile web app. They are the refined form of a website with multiple benefits. Mobile apps are typically written in HTML5. The entire ideology behind developing a mobile web app is to create an amazing native app experience for the users without putting too complicated stuff in it.

Pros and Cons of Mobile App

Pros of Mobile apps:

  1. Involves all website advantages.

  2. Very fast access.

  3. Easily available in the app store.

  4. Interactive user interface.

  5. People prefer using mobile apps in comparison to browser websites since apps are more user-friendly.

Cons of Mobile apps:

  1. Costlier than developing a responsive web platform.

  2. Take longer time to develop.

The prime agenda of this blog is to provide you with the information of the fundamental areas which would help you in deciding your mobile interaction strategy. BluEnt is a mobile app development and web design development company with the sturdy young bunch of millennials and experienced technology geeks. We will always guide you towards the right direction for your successful business. We have crafted ideas sharper than expected as we believe in achieving maximum value for all our projects. Reach out for a quick talk.

Maximum Value. Achieved.



Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "What Makes More Sense to You? A Mobile App or A Responsive Design Website" CAD Evangelist, Dec. 19, 2017, https://www.bluent.net/blog/mobile-app-vs-responsive-design-website/.

CAD Evangelist. (2017, December 19). What Makes More Sense to You? A Mobile App or A Responsive Design Website. Retrieved from https://www.bluent.net/blog/mobile-app-vs-responsive-design-website/

CAD Evangelist. "What Makes More Sense to You? A Mobile App or A Responsive Design Website" CAD Evangelist https://www.bluent.net/blog/mobile-app-vs-responsive-design-website/ (accessed December 19, 2017 ).

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