18 Oct 2016

The Importance Of Apt Visuals For Your Blog

Writing a blog post is a common place nowadays. Almost everyone has some kind of a blog to articulate their expertise or thought leadership in their respective fields. But to shine in a stack of relatable blogs in your industry is a feat in itself.

Challenges could be many:

  • Not having a proper theme for a blog that communicates above and beyond what your industry is speaking.

  • Not getting the right traffic, as there are so many different set of perspectives voiced by your counterparts and you just tend to get a bit sidelined in the storm of so many opinions online.

  • Lack of attention to your blog and mounting competition to get tete-a-tete with.

  • No substance in your post to actually communicate what you intend to, via a story narrative/ outline or a resonating message/ theme that defines your blog.

  • No relevant images for your blog.

The challenges are a scary many; but there is one strategy that you can adopt, which may not be a standalone thing to increase your followers or traffic and get some online visibility, however it can vastly improve your 'blog's reading experience' for your dear readers. 

And That Is Relevant Visuals

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According to a Kissmetrics piece here, content with relevant images get 94% more views than content without relevant images. As a matter of fact, visuals thrive on social media – and you'd definitely wouldn't want to miss on such a huge audience gorging on stellar visuals. Whether you are creating an image for your blog post or getting it designed from an agency/ individual, it is very important to have an image concept and an image rationale behind the purpose of your writing.

Your blog's visual pinned with the theme as set by you goes a long way in eliciting interest from your target audience. People like visual stories followed by some captivating story narrative that talk about your intent behind writing the post. That is why it is crucial to have a visual plan with respect to the images you are pinning with your post – be it an infographic, infographic statistic, image, photos, videos, illustrations, text image etc.

As a result, when you plan your content editorial calendar, outline the purpose of the post (what it wants to communicate) and brainstorm on the visual assets you'd like to embed into the post. Having a discerning eye for visuals can make or break your blog's readability experience.So embrace the power of visuals; search on the most breath-taking, lucid images or visuals, and plug them into the blog you desire to write on.

Want some help in creating some stunning visuals for your blog? Do get in touch! Happy blogging!

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Your Citation

Bluent Tech. "The Importance Of Apt Visuals For Your Blog" BluEnt Byte, Oct. 18, 2016, https://www.bluent.net/blog/importance-of-apt-visuals-for-blog/.

Bluent Tech. (2016, October 18). The Importance Of Apt Visuals For Your Blog. Retrieved from https://www.bluent.net/blog/importance-of-apt-visuals-for-blog/

Bluent Tech. "The Importance Of Apt Visuals For Your Blog" Bluent Tech https://www.bluent.net/blog/importance-of-apt-visuals-for-blog/ (accessed October 18, 2016 ).

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