Enabling technology for your business means getting creative and designing custom application solutions which foster business growth. However, not all ideas are good ideas. In an industry driven by innovation and learning, it only makes sense to work on ideas which pay the time, resource and money invested in them.
What do you do when your business requires a specific application? The proprietary software developers will not tweak their existing apps and the present-day apps are not doing it for you. Custom software app development is your best shot to make things work out for you.
Of late, more and more mobile and web application developers have been adopting the Agile methodology for application development. As part of Agile development methodology, Scrum is an incremental and iterative process which allows customers to modify specifications and requirements at any point in the development process. While there are a wide variety of approaches in Agile software development, Scrum is popular because it is simple and effectively manages processes in the modern tech landscape.
A 2015 report by Morgan Stanley shows that there are 2X more web mobile browsers than app users, growing 1.2X in the last 3 years.
Irrespective of the framework, agile development makes mobile app development rewarding and fun.
Most mobile applications release on iOS before they debut on Android, much to the chagrin of Android users and BluEnt discerns why.
The most crucial mobile strategy question asked by every single brand today is – “do we really need a mobile app?”
comScore Inc, an analytics and media measurement company, explains in its recent report that Apple is the leading OEM
Mobile application development continues to expand and is currently considered to be the most thriving business. It is the quickest growing software industry in the world with the revenues being claimed to reach about 77$ billion dollars by this year. There are a plenty of mobile app developers targeting to conquer this money-spinner torrent.
The Apple App Store has roughly 1.3 billion mobile applications and nearly 1,000 apps are being added
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