

About JustMax

Maxine Morgan Trowbridge is a fashion and lifestyle expert. She runs an online fashion magazine, Pink.memo, which provides its readers with the latest on fashion and runway along with lifestyle and luxury news.

Currently, Maxine is a board member for the Dallas Contemporary, a non-collecting art museum and a board member for Fashion Group International of Dallas.

She wanted to create a blog, called JustMax, of personal notes from her life experiences and social events, and approached BluEnt for this.

Project Requirements
  • A blog in WordPress for sharing personal notes and articles

  • User-friendly admin panel to create, update, upload, manage web content & images and share the posts on social media platforms

  • RSS feeds subscription option

  • Show latest tweets and Instagram gallery

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The BluEnt Approach

We started with several rounds of discussion to understand the process flow and client expectations.

  • Suggested WordPress themes/templates layouts.

  • Installed the latest WordPress version with the selected theme.

  • Developed various plug-ins for social sharing, Instagram gallery, and latest tweets.

  • Integrated FeedBurner to make it easy to receive content updates in My Yahoo!, NewsGator, Bloglines and other newsreaders.

  • Kept the navigation very simple and user-friendly.

  • Integrated custom plug-ins to filter data efficiently.

  • Integrated the blog site with Google Analytics.

  • Continuously upgraded WordPress to the latest available version.

Let’s talk about your business idea!


  • WordPress

  • PHP

  • MySQL

  • Javascript

  • HTML

  • CSS

Maximum Value. Achieved.

BluEnt believes in exceptional, timely services for all our clients. We leave no stone unturned for them.

The client was very impressed with our effort. The project was delivered as per expectations. BluEnt manages and maintains all technology needs for JustMax.

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