af instrumente banner

AF Instrumente

About AF Instrumente

AF-Instrumente is a German CE certified supplier of medical (Osteosynthesis) instruments to major markets worldwide.

The client is based in Tuttlingen, the center of the medical device manufacturing industry. Their products comprise of mini, small and large fragment implants and instruments for routine trauma applications.

They approached BluEnt to develop a website to promote their business

af Instrumente
Project Requirements
  • A clean, simple and well-designed website that reflects their brand

  • A comprehensive website for users and vendors

  • HTML/ CSS based component

  • Improved usability and accessibility of the content

  • Flash banner on homepage

  • User-friendly and easy to navigate

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The BluEnt Approach

We had several rounds of discussion to understand the expectations of the client.

  • Design and Development:
    • Based on the client’s requirements, we created website templates. After the client approved them, we developed HTML pages

    • Our designers developed the headed banner in Flash to make the homepage attractive. We developed more than eight inner pages (about us, contact us, our products etc.)

  • Easy Navigation: We kept the navigation simple and developed a very user-friendly website

  • Google Analytics Integration: We installed Google analytics to track the visitors and location info

Let’s talk about your business idea!


  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Flash

Maximum Value. Achieved.

BluEnt believes in exceptional, timely services for all our clients. We leave no stone unturned for them.

The client was very happy with our efficiency & work quality.

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