Business Intelligence and Analytics
24 Apr 2024

Business Intelligence and Analytics: How one complements the other?

If you were to answer, what’s the difference between business intelligence and business analytics? What would you say?

Predictive Analytics in Finance
27 Nov 2023

Predictive Analytics in Finance; A Truly Transformative Idea

In a recent example from Europe, a bank tried several programs to retain its shrinking customer base by focusing on inactive customers, but it has failed.

Data Visualization in Finance
20 Nov 2023

Data Visualization in Finance: Telling Better Stories and Helping Make Even Better Decisions

Data Visualization has gained momentum in almost every field, except finance. It is only ironic that the department that deals with data and numbers all day doesn’t feel the need to visually represent them.

Big Data Applications in Healthcare
13 Nov 2023

Big Data Applications in Healthcare: An Overview

Thanks to its considerable benefits and advantages, Big Data is making inroads into healthcare, and for good reason. Big data applications in healthcare will end up significantly impacting our lives.

Hiring MuleSoft Developers
30 Oct 2023

What Skills Are Essential In MuleSoft Developers?

Transformation has occurred in every day and age. We did this when we moved from physical to digital. Now, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) are taking center stage when ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) has replaced manual transformation.

Applications of Data Analytics
16 Oct 2023

Data Analytics Applications: Types, Tools & Working Methodology

According to a survey, 89% of organizations use data analytics applications to improve decisions. Another one points to the fact that companies using data analytics are 2.5 times more likely to make better decisions than those who do not.

Growth Analytics
25 Sep 2023

How Growth Analytics Can Help You Achieve Your B2B Sales Goals?

Growth Analytics is probably the most rewarding initiative to boost B2B sales, conversions, user retention, and revenue rates.

data visualization analytics
04 Sep 2023

Rethinking Data with the Power of Data Visualization Analytics

Data visualization analytics has the potential to streamline data interpretations and analyses for businesses.

Research Data Analytics
24 Jul 2023

Use Research Data Analytics to Tell Exciting Stories for Statistical Surveys

Research data analytics involves more rigorous, efficient, and cutting-edge methods to conduct complex surveys and research work.

Fraud data analytics
17 Jul 2023

Fraud Data Analytics: How to Detect and Prevent Fraud Using Data

Fraud data analytics is one of the most sought-after practices to detect and control unethical methods of acquiring sensitive data.


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